Ah, you found it

You cheeky dog! I told you to look it up, and here you are. Good job. Kudos. Alright, fine. I’ll tell you how Pokémon saved my life as a kid.

I was 8 years old

And I started to have babies first existential crisis. At 8! I prayed to god that I would live to see the next day. Then I was terrified my prayers weren’t being heard. Then I realized something: They probably weren’t. God just didn’t make sense. If that was the case, what was waiting after death? Is this all meaningless chaos? Probably! Evolution made way more sense than anything theistic, and there are so many religions! Are any of them right? Probably not, considering each had to posit that all the others were wrong. I was terrified! Falling into the void every night, doubling over in literal pain at the thought of the void awaiting me at death. I considered looking for a way out to get it over with around 10. Haha, cool!

So what’d I do?

I played Pokémon, doi! I hid my Gameboy- with worm light -under my plushies in the side of my bed, and when I would stare into the void too long, well, I’d escape to another world and hang out with my Feraligatr. This got me through high school. This helped me see there were things to live for. This franchise helped me cope with the uniquely human trauma of my awakening and my sudden realization of mortality. So, you know. Hell yea. Thanks, Pikachu!